Branching into Clarity with Inline Editing

Refine your questions, rediscover your narrative

Hey there, amazing Subtxt Musers! 🎉

We're thrilled to introduce you to a game-changing feature we've rolled out in Subtxt Muse - Inline Editing of your questions! Now, much like our good friend ChatGPT, you can effortlessly loop back, tweak your inquiries for clarity, and spawn a fresh response. Say hello to a whole new level of inspirational brainstorming! 🎇

Let's say, for example, you're wanting to write the next Batman movie...

But then you decide you want to try something a little different. Maybe this time you want to make Alfred the Main Character instead of the ol' tried and true Bruce Wayne approach.

Wonderful! 😃

But now that you think about it, maybe you'd like to try something else. Well, instead of starting all over, simply click the edit button adjacent to the query you're itching to morph, and dive right into reshaping your original thought bubble.

You'll notice the conversation beyond your edit point gently dims, steering your focus towards the exhilaration of courting a different idea.

Once your creative juices settle, tap Save and Branch, and watch Muse weave its magic to tailor a new response. ✨

What you get is a brand spanking new conversation, cradling all your previous exchanges, and presenting you the fresh perspective you sought. Your tweaked question now shines bright, easing your quest as you flip through the diverse takes. A gentle tap on the arrow keys will let you prance back and forth amidst your ideas, leading you to the golden one you’ve been hunting! 🎯

But wait, there’s a whimsical twist! Unlike ChatGPT, every new brainstorm or tangent you embark upon morphs into a branch from the initial conversation. You'll witness multiple threads blossoming, all originating from the same root but diverging the moment you sprinkle your magic!

We’ve lovingly bid adieu to the older "branch conversation" button that nestled in Muse's responses. Your branched dialogues are still snug and warm; we just thought it's sleeker to nestle this feature back into the question arena, letting you branch out from there.

We've had a blast testing this out and dancing around with different story paradigms. Can't wait to see the wonders you’ll conjure up with this! Your pathway to unearthing the perfect narrative just got a sprinkle of magic. Enjoy the ride, and keep those creative fires burning! 🔥

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