Find Your Best Time For Writing

Everyone has their perfect time to write.

My most important discovery has been that I have optimum hours for writing. These are between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. For a lifetime I’ve told myself that I was a nighttime writer—it seemed romantic. But actually I’m tired at night, and that’s when I prefer to read and research. Whatever your optimum hours are, don’t cheat yourself of them. This is a daily battle. If you spend them answering the phone, attending to correspondence, etc., you’ll find yourself empty-handed and out of sorts during your low tide.

Mine is first thing 5-6am and then 8:30am-12:30pm. Afternoons are for email and client work. Late afternoons are for discovering and trying out new products for the business. Nights are for Netflix. (Currently Mad Men). But mornings? Mornings are always for writing.

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