A resource to download and install new storyforms into Dramatica.
An update on the Narrative First site: I've recently started taking more screenshots of Dramatica in action and posting them to my articles and to the analyses. Hopefully this will help bridge the gap between the cerebral and the more visually-abled. Plus, it's always fun to play along if you have Dramatica Story Expert.
I've also started a page where you can download all the Dramatica storyforms(/downloads discovered here on this site.[^1] For the complete collection of all storyforms, make sure you check out the offical Subtxt storyform page.
[^1]: The publish date on this post is January 2016. Lots of changes since then. You can find all the latest Storyforms in Subtxt.
These downloads include the same PDFs you see at the bottom of the analyses and a link to the Dramatica DR5 file that you can place in your examples folder.
Once there you should be able to see these films come up when you click the Context button for an individual story point in the Query System.
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