Father and son battle Libyan terrorists and greaser punks to find a way back to a brand new future.
Is Dramatica strictly reserved for Shakespeare, Academy Award-winning foreign films, and high falutin' drama? Of course not! Narrative is narrative no matter how big or how small, no matter how serious or ridiculous.
Or simply plain fun.
In Back to the Future, Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) suffers because he is a McFly. His father's reputation proceeds him and grants poor Marty with a problematic Universe he can't escape. Marty finds a way to hold out against the haters as he fulfills the intimate and personal Main Character Throughline of the narrative. Through Marty we feel what it is like to be labeled, even before strumming a single chord.
George McFly (Crispin Glover), Marty's father, assumes the Obstacle Character Throughline, challenging Marty's status issues with his wimpy Mind. George thinks so little of himself that a change of circumstances frightens him from standing up from himself and threatens Marty's very existence.
The relationship between Marty and George that characterizes the Relationship Story Throughline finds father and son coming into conflict over different Manners of Thinking. Marty wants George to stand up for himself and become the father he needs.
Unfortunately, George can't find it within himself to do so, and on the night of the big Enchantment Under the Sea dance Biff moves in on Marty's mother Lorraine (Lea Thompson). This Activity—along with countless others including Libyan terrorists, a skateboard vs. car vs. cow manure in the town square, and an incredibly stormy night—colaesce to form the Objective Story Throughline. Overcoming these overhwelming odds and getting back to the future lies in the fist of dear ol' dad…
…and that's the Power of Love!
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