Weekly updates to Subtxt's catalog of storyforms resumes with this look at personal and professional abuse.
Resumed uploading storyforms into Subtxt this morning. Today's feature is I, Tonya--the happy family fun drama that ties abusive relationships to being the best of the best!
I remember being blown away by this film and how expertly they wove a complete narrative structure into real life events. Jeff's paradigm shift at the end particularly impressed me. His shift from being motivated by an Obstacle Character Problem of Effect](https://subtxt.app/storypoint/influence-character-problem/effect "Obstacle Character Problem of Effect - Narrative First - Subtxt") to resolving his drive with an [*Obstacle Character Solution of*
Cause ("It was all my fault") fit seamlessly into the story's central narrative argument: Keep tolerating personal and professional abuse, and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of scraping by to survive.
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